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Massage therapy is the manipulation of the soft tissues in the body and has been used for centuries to help alleviate tight, aching and painful muscles. However, massage works beyond the release and relaxation of tight muscles and has been shown to help improve circulation, posture, stiffness and neural entrapment.

Specifically, deep tissue and sports massage works deep into the soft tissue releasing those knotted and tight muscles and alleviating the discomfort and pain from muscular over-use, general occupational stresses and chronic pain conditions.

Katie is our fully qualified Sports Therapist specifically offering treatments in Deep Tissue and Sports Massage for either a general relief of tight aching muscles or as a treatment for a chronic or current injury. 

Check out our FAQ page for more info or contact Katie to enquire or to book your session today!


Katie always senses where your problem area is and what needs the most attention.  She applies the right amount of pressure and manipulation to get those problems eased as gently as possible.  I always feel the benefit after I’ve attended a session.  I highly recommend.

John, Retired

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